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Conquering the Neglected: Tackling Those Bottom-of-the-List Tasks with Ease

Writer's picture: Victoria LewisVictoria Lewis

hands on a desk, writing a to-do list

You know those tasks that keep getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list? The ones that never seem to get done no matter how hard you try. Those neglected jobs, responsibilities and errands that fill you with a sense of dread and make you want to procrastinate for days. It’s time to conquer them once and for all.

In this article, you’ll learn simple techniques to overcome your mental blocks, develop systems to make unappealing work feel more achievable, and tips to maintain momentum to power through your list of ‘bottom-dwellers’.

No more excuses. The days of neglect are over.

Why We Put Off Unpleasant Tasks

Why do we put off those unpleasant but necessary tasks? There are a few reasons our motivation takes a hit when it comes to the neglected to-dos.

Lack of immediate reward

Our brains are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Tackling an unpleasant task usually doesn’t provide an instant feel-good reward, so we put it off in favour of more enjoyable activities.

Feeling overwhelmed

Big, unstructured tasks can seem impossible, so we avoid them altogether. The key is to break them down into small, achievable steps. Even starting with just one manageable task can build momentum and motivation.

Poor planning

Without deadlines or accountability, those undesirable tasks often get pushed aside in favour of whatever needs to be done today. Take time to schedule your neglected to-dos and prioritise them alongside your regular work. Treat them with the same importance.

Low energy or mood

When you’re tired, stressed or unmotivated, difficult tasks seem even more exhausting. Try tackling them when you’re feeling refreshed and focused. Your mood and available mental resources will determine your willpower and discipline.

The Cost of Procrastination

Procrastination is the thief of time—and your productivity. The costs add up quickly when you put off those unpleasant or mundane tasks.

Lost Time

Every day that unpleasant task lingers, the time required to complete it increases. What may have taken 30 minutes today will take an hour next week and half a day next month. The backlog builds up, and what was once a molehill becomes a mountain. Tackle those small tasks today before they turn into a bigger problem.

Increased Stress

Those tasks you’re avoiding don’t just disappear—they linger in your mind and can cause anxiety. There’s a relief that comes from crossing something off your to-do list. Choose a small, nagging task and complete it. You’ll feel the stress start to give way, encouraging you to keep going.

Diminished Productivity

When part of your mind is occupied with what you “should” be doing, it’s hard to focus on what you want to do. Give your full attention to your important and meaningful work by clearing the clutter of annoying little tasks.

Poorer Health

Living with the constant pressure and worry of procrastination can take a physical toll. Headaches, insomnia, and digestive issues are some of the common side effects. Make your health and well-being a priority by tackling procrastination. Take a deep breath and just get started. You’ll feel better in no time.

Identifying Your Neglected Tasks

We all have tasks that get continually pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Identifying exactly what those neglected tasks are is the first step to finally conquering them.

Sit down and list all the little things you’ve been putting off for a while now. If you have a to-do list, start by looking at what is sitting at the bottom. Don’t overthink it, write down whatever comes to mind. You’ll likely end up with a pretty long list, and that’s ok.

Prioritising your list

Now, look at your list and categorise each item by importance and required effort. Things that take little time but make a big impact, like updating your social profiles or requesting a customer review, should go at the top. Mundane tasks that require more effort can sit towards the bottom. This helps ensure you’re tackling the neglected in an efficient manner.

Start with just one or two items from the top of your prioritised list each day. Don’t feel overwhelmed by how much there is to do. Simply focus on those one or two tasks and feel good about finally checking them off your list. Maintain this momentum and before you know it, you’ll have made major headway. Tackling your to-do’s in bite-sized pieces is the key to overcoming procrastination.

My recent blog post ‘How to Double Your Productivity Using the Ivy Lee Method’ is a fantastic technique that will really help you to get focused and prioritise your list.

Tips for Tackling Your Least Favourite Tasks

We all have tasks that we just hate, that seem to perpetually live at the bottom of our to-do lists. Conquering the biggest or least enjoyable tasks can feel overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can work through your neglected list in no time.

Start by breaking big tasks into small steps. Something like “clean out the garage” sounds insurmountable, but “sort through one box of garage items per day” feels totally doable. Celebrate achieving each small milestone to stay motivated for the next one.

Schedule your least favourite chores for when you have the most energy and willpower. For most people, this is first thing in the morning or right after work. Don’t save them for late in the evening when your motivation and productivity start to wane.

Make the task rewarding. Listen to an engaging podcast or audiobook while you work. Treat yourself to your favourite coffee or snack. Promise yourself a reward when you’ve completed the chore. Finding ways to make the task more pleasurable, even in small ways, can help change your mindset.

You can conquer those neglected chores and errands with the right techniques and motivation. Break big tasks into bite-sized pieces, do them when you have the most motivation and make the work rewarding.

Creating Systems to Maintain Momentum

To keep the momentum going on those neglected tasks, you need to set up systems and habits to support your progress.

Create an Accountability Partner

Find a friend or colleague to check in with regularly about your goals. Let them know what tasks you plan to tackle and when then follow up to report on your progress or any obstacles. Knowing someone else expects an update can help provide the external motivation you need to follow through. You can also return the favour by helping them to be accountable for their goals too. It’s a win-win.

Break Big Tasks into Bite-Sized Pieces

Don't feel overwhelmed by the size of a big task. Break it down into smaller milestones and schedule time on your calendar to complete one part at a time. This makes the work feel more manageable and less intimidating. Celebrate achieving each milestone to stay motivated for the next step. Using a free project management tool, like Notion, can help. Marking off each step as it’s done will give you the momentum to keep going.

Build the Habit

The more you practise, the easier it will get. Start small by scheduling just 15-30 minutes a few times a week to focus on your neglected priorities. Be consistent, and soon, it will become second nature. You'll build up your "task endurance", and the work won't seem as tedious or draining.

Remove Distractions

Minimise notifications on your devices and limit other distractions while you work. Find an environment without interruptions where you can focus solely on the task at hand. The less distracted you are, the more efficient you'll be. My blog post The Number One Reason You’re Not Getting Everything Done delves into the impact of distractions in much more detail.

Reward Yourself

Provide yourself an incentive to keep going, especially for bigger projects. After completing a milestone, do something you enjoy, like going out for coffee, reading a book or taking a walk. You deserve it, and the motivation will help fuel you toward the finish line.

Tackle the Bottom of the List

So there you have it, a few tips to make those neglected tasks a little less daunting and a lot more doable. Stop putting them off and get started - you'll feel so much better once they're done.

Pick one to begin with, break it into manageable chunks and reward yourself along the way. Before you know it, you'll be flying through that list.

Stay focused on how good you'll feel at the end, and keep your eyes on the prize. Conquer one task at a time, and you'll build up your motivation and momentum to blast through the rest.

Now, get to it. There's no time like the present, so grab a cuppa, turn on some tunes and get cracking. You've got this!

If you would like to start to tackle your to-do list but are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or just flat-out busy, why not book a free 15-minute call with me to see how I can help you get back on track? Use my booking link to find a slot that suits you and let’s chat.




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